2005 – Journal nº 6

Journal No. 6

Table of Contents

(a) Brazilian

1. A Arbitragem e o Judiciário Trabalhista [Arbitration and Labor Courts]
Márcio Yoshida 7

2. Das Relações entre a Arbitragem e o Poder Judiciário [Relationship Between Arbitration and the Judiciary]
Alexandre Freitas Câmara 18

3. O Árbitro da Parte – Considerações Éticas e Práticas [Party’s Arbitrator – Ethical and Practical Issues]
Jacob Dolinger 29

4. Contratualização da Justiça [Contractualizing Justice]
J. E. Carreira Alvim 46

(b) International

1. O Controle de Validade da Convenção de Arbitragem: O Efeito Negativo da “Competência-Competência” [Controlling the Validity of Agreements to Arbitrate: The Negative Effect of “Competence-Competence”]
Bertrand Ancel 52

2. Do Contrato do Árbitro: o Árbitro, um Prestador de Serviços [Agreement with Arbitrators: Arbitrators, Service Providers]
Marc Henry 65

3. Reflexiones sobre Algunas Similitudes y Diferencias entre las Leyes de
Arbitraje Internacional Española y Chilena
Sergio Huidobro Corbett 75

Case Law

(a) Brazilian – Commented

1. Efeito Negativo da Competência-Competência [Negative Effect of Competence-Competence]
Fabiane Verçosa 82

2. A Legitimidade Passiva em Ação Ordinária de Nulidade de
Sentença Arbitral [Lack of Standing to be Sued in Motions to Annul Arbitral Awards]
Leandro Rigueira Rennó Lima 91

(b) Brazilian – Not Commented

1. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of
November 26, 2004.
1st Appellant: Multiservicecooper – Cooperativa de Trabalho de Profissionais Autônomos Urbanos da Região do Alto Tietê de Mogi das Cruzes [Urban Autonomous Professional Cooperative for the Alto Tietê Region of Mogi das Crues].
2nd Appellant: Transporte e Turismo Eroles S.A.
Appellee: Edson da Silva Marinho. 105

2. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Collective Bargaining Agreement after the Strike on May 22, 2003.
Claimant: Consigaz Distribuidora de Gás Ltda.
Defendant: State of São Paulo Minerals and Oil Product Trading Workers Union] – SIPETROL and Union of Drivers and Workers of Dry and Wet Cargo Transportation Companies and Commerce, Industry, Gas, Bank and Financial Establishments of Osasco and Sorroundings] – SIMTRATECOR 111

3. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of February 2, 2004.
Appellant: Pedro Camilo Dias
Appellee: Pires Serviços de Segurança e Transporte de Valores
Ltda 122

4. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of March 17, 2003.
Appellants: Cia. Docas do Estado de São Paulo and Sind. Trab. Adm. Cap. Term. Priv. Retroportos
Appellee: Danielle Pimentel de Azevedo 126

5. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of September 30, 2003.
Appellant: Marcelo Cláudio da Rocha
Appellee: Empresa Nacional de Segurança Ltda. 129

6. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of June 10, 2003.
Appellants: GP – Guarda Patrimonial de SP S/C Ltda. and Marcos Antônio de Oliveira 132

7. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of November 26, 2004.
Appellants: SID Lar Móveis e Decorações Ltda. and Jeane Ferreira da Silva
Appellee: The same parties 138
8. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 2nd Circuit – Ordinary Appeal of April 2, 2004 Appellants: Associação Brasileira Bancos Estaduais Regionais [Brazilian Association of Regional State Banks]
Appellee: Fernando de Lima Silva 140

9. Regional Labor Court (TRT) for the 3rd Circuit – Appeal of September 22, 2003.
Appellant: Caixa Econômica Federal – CEF [Brazilian Federal Savings Bank]
Appellee: Geraldo Izidoro da Silva 147

Commented Laws

1. Chilean Law No. 19,971, of September 29, 2004 154

General Information

1. Establishment of the Paraná State Industries Arbitration Chambers
Cesar A. Guimarães Pereira and André Guskow Cardoso 168

2. Colloquium in Memory and Honor of Philippe Fouchard
João Bosco Lee 171
3. State of Paraná Bar Association (OAB/PR) Mediation and Arbitration Committee
Maurício Gomm Ferreira dos Santos 173

Index 175