2007 – Journal nº 15

Journal No. 15

Table of Contents

(a) Brazilian

1. Concorrência de Julgadores na Arbitragem Internacional:
O Brasil e a “Litispendência Arbitral”  [Simultaneous Judges on the International Arbitration: Brazil and “Arbitral Lis pendes”]
Octávio Fragata Martins de Barros…………………………… 7
2. O Acordo de Acionistas e o Uso da Arbitragem Como Forma de Resolução de Conflitos Societários [Shareholders Agreement and the Use of Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute of Resolution of Commercial Issues] Luciano Benetti Timm e Rodrigo Tellechea Silva…………………. 27
3. Reflexão sobre a Relação entre Árbitros e Partes: Natureza Jurídica e Necessário Afastamento de Propostas de Regulamentação no Direito Brasileiro  [Reflection on the Relation between Arbitrators and Parties: Legal Nature and Necessary Rejection of the Regulation Proposes in the Brazilian Law]
Luis Fernando Guerrero ……………….. 43

(b) International
1. El Desarrollo del Arbitraje Comercial Internacional:
Sofisticación o Complejidad
Horacio A. Grigera Naón…………………………………….. 54
2. Procédures Parallèles et Litispendance: Modification de l’Article 186 de la Ldip Suisse
Domitille Baizeau……………………………………………… 64
3. Arbitragem Internacional em Matéria de Investimento Estrangeiro desde a Experiência Peruana [International Arbitration on Foreign Investments Issues since the Peru Experience]
Christian Carbajal Valenzuela……………………………….. 76

Case Law
(a) Brazilian Commented
1. International Arbitration – International Contract – Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Award – Application of the Law n. 9,307/96 in the time. Superior Court of Justice. March, 21st, 2007. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation v. Evadin Indústrias Amazônia S/A
João Bosco Lee…………………………………………………… 93
2. Arbitration and Quasi-public Companies. Superior Court of Justice. May, 17th, 2007. AES Uruguaiana Empreendimentos Ltda v. Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica – CEEE.
Luciano Benetti Timm……………………………………….. 162

(b) Brazilian Not Commented
1. Unrecognizing of an void arbitration clause entered into before the enactment of the Law n. 9,307/96. Court of Appeals of Porto Alegre. October, 11th, 2006. Disk Lentes Distribuição e Comércio Ltda v.
Bausch e Lomb Indústria Ótica Ltda…………………………… 177

(c) International Commented
1. International Licensing Contract – Sequential or Escalated Clause – Recognition of an Arbitral Award Validity without Observing the Pre-Arbitral Proceedings – Swiss Federal Court – June, 6th, 2007 – X. Ltd. v. Y.
Gustavo Meira Moser……………………………………. 181
2. Recognition in France of Annulled Arbitral Awards – French Cassation Court – 1st Civil Chamber – June, 29th, 2007 – Société PT Putrabali Adyamulia v. Société Rena Holding
Katherine Spyrides……………………………………………… 200
3. Unreconi Non-recognition of an Arbitral Award Annulled in its Country of Origin – United States Court of Appeals – May 25th, 2007 –Termorio S.A. E.S.P. and Leaseco Group, LLC. v. Electranta S.P., et al. – May, 25th, 2007. Adriana Braghetta………………………………………………. 216

Arbitration Classics
1. French Court of Cassation (1st Civil Chamber) – May, 7th, 1963 – Société Gosset v. Société Carapelli
Sabrina Ribas Bolfer…………………………………………….. 237

General Information
1. Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II (2) and article VII (1) of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958), Adopted by the UNCITRAL, on its 39th Session
João Bosco Lee………………………………………………… 240

Books Review

1. Les Incoterms – Etude d’une Norme du Commerce International
Rodrigo Araujo Gabardo……………………………………….. 244
2. International Construction Arbitration Law
Flávia Bittar Neves………………………………………………. 248


1. Arbitration International……………………………………… 252
2. Asa Bulletin…………………………………………………….. 252
3. Journal du Droit International………………………………. 253
4. Journal of International Arbitration………………………… 254
5. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação………………………… 254
6. Revue de l’Arbitrage…………………………………………. 255

Index                                                                                   256