2007 – Journal nº 16

Journal No. 16

Table of Contents

(a) Brazilian

1. As Diretrizes do International Bar Association sobre Conflitos de Interesses na Arbitragem Internacional [International Bar Association Policy on Conflict of Interests on International Arbitration]
Maria Claudia de Assis Procopiak……… 7
2. A Eleição do Direito do Estado de Nova Iorque em Contratos Internacionais e a Arbitragem: Considerações Práticas [The Choice for the State of New York’s Law in International Contracts]
Fabiane Verçosa………… 41

(b) International
1. La Naturaleza Jurídica del Arbitraje: un Ejercicio de Balanceo Químico
Francisco González de Cossío…………… 55
2. New Tensions Between Arbitrators and Parties in the Conduct of the Arbitral Procedure
Matthieu de Boisséson………… 68
3. L’intervention des Tiers a L’Arbitrage
Alexis Mourre 76
4. Terceros, No-Firmantes, y Acuerdos Arbitrales
James A. Graham 98

Case Law
(a) Brazilian Commented
1. Annulment of Foreign Arbitral Award by the Brazilian Judiciary – Vis-à-Vis the request for Recognition and Execution of the Same Arbitral Award before the Superior Court of Justice – November, 23th, 2006. First Brands do Brasil Ltda. e STP do Brasil Ltda.v.STP – Petro-plus Produtos Automotivos S/A PPA e Petroplus Sul Comércio Exterior S/A PSC
Adriana Noemi Pucci. 106
2. Institutional Arbitration, Anti-Suit Injunctions and the Autonomy Principle. Minas Gerais Court of Appeals. December, 1st, 2006.Peyrani Brasil S/A v. SMS Demag Ltda.
Thiago Marinho Nunes 127
(b) Brazilian Not Commented
1. Private Contract – Construction and Infra-Structure Services – Adjustment to the Environmental Rules – Disposable Right – Arbitration Validity – Distrito Federal and Territories Court of Appeals – May, 23th, 2007 – Condomínio Mansões Entre Lagos v. Urbaniza – Comércio de Construções Ltda
2. Negative Effect of the Arbitration Clause. Minas Gerais Court of Appeals. August, 22nd, 2007. to de 2007. Sauder Brasil Imóveis Ltda v. G. Minas S/A……………… 146

(c) International Commented
1. El Caso Econet: Réquiem por un Acuerdo Arbitral Frustrado
Francisco González de Cossío……………. 153

Arbitration Classics
1. United States Supreme Court, June 12th, 1967. Prima Paint v. Flood & Conklin
Sabrina Ribas Bolfer………………. 172

Books Review
1. Arbitragem – Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Guido Fernando da Silva Soares, In Memoriam
Marco Deluiggi……… 192

Fernando José Breda Pessoa
1. Arbitration International……………… 195
2. Asian International Arbitration Journal…… 195
3. Journal du Droit International……………… 196
4. Journal of International Arbitration……… 196
5. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação.. ……….197
6. Revue de L’Arbitrage ……………………………198

 Index                  199