2008 – Journal nº 18

Journal No. 18

Table of contents

(a) Brazilian

1. Text on Partial Awards [Ensaio sobre a Sentença Arbitral Parcial]
Carlos Alberto Carmona …………………………………….. 7

2. Hague Convention on Choice of Forum and Brazil: The need for its adoption [Convenção de Haia sobre Escolha de Foro e o Brasil: Necessidade de Sua Adoção]
Nadia de Araujo ……………………………………………..27

3. The (In)arbitrability of Individual Labor Rights [A (In)Arbitrabilidade dos Dissídios Individuais Trabalhistas]
Benedito Aparecido Tuponi Júnior ………………………39

4. The ICC Pre-Arbitral Referee Procedure [O Procedimento Cautelar Pré-Arbitral da CCI]
Leandro Rigueira Rennó Lima ……………………………60

5. Mediation of Public Policy Disputes – The experience on Communitarian Mediation in Districts of High Vulnerability in São Paulo [Mediação de Conflitos e Políticas Públicas – A experiência com a Mediação Comunitária em Distritos de Alta Vulnerabilidade da Grande São Paulo]
Adolfo Braga Neto ………………………………………….80

(b) International

1. On The 50th Anniversary of the New York Convention, Revisiting Annulment and Vacatur Through the Prism of In Re: Chromalloy, Baker Marine, and TermoRio
Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga …………………………………….91

2. La Conception Francaise de L’Arbitrage International – Reflexions au Sujet des Arrets Putrabali, Cass. Civ. 1, 29 Juin 2007
Laura Weiller ………………………………………………………………..114

3. II Contratto di Arbitrato
Anna Riberti …………………………………………………123

(c) Legal Opinions

1. Legal Opinion – Arbitration: Annulment Action and Motion to Stay Collection [Arbitragem: Ação Anulatória e Embargos do Devedor]
Ada Pellegrini Grinover …………………………………..154

Case Law
(a) Brazilian Commented

1.Instrumentality of Form Principle. Lack of need to require the authentication of a foreign arbitral award. Agreement between the parties on the recognition by the Superior Court of Justice. Sole Decision. Foreign Award Contested nº. º 1.305 – Fr (2005/0171686-5). 30th november 2007. Hon. Hamilton Carvalhido. Nahuelsat S/A v. Empresa Brasileira da Telecomunicações S/A – Embratel
Renato Stephan Grion ………………………………………..182 

(b) Brazilian Not Commented

1. Arbitral Tribunal Competence for judging the Opportunity of an Interim or Provisional Measure. Courts Competence on the hypotheses of an interim measure needed before the instauration of the Arbitral Tribunal. Minas Gerais Court of Appeals. Interlocutory Appeal nº. .0024.07.600275-7/002 in Appeal nº. 1.0024.07.600275-7/001, 17th January 2008. Hon. Mr. Elias Camilo. Mineração Gypsum Brasil Ltda. v. Focco Engenharia Meio Ambiente Ltda. e outro(a)(s) …………..192 

General Information 

1. Translation of the New Civil Code to French
Leandro Rigueira Rennó Lima ………………………….198

2. Arbitrations between States and Investors. Another Tool for the Research: Investmentclaims.com e Oxford University Press
Barbara Makant ………………………………………….210

3. Considerations on the Spanish Law nº 56/07 about the Impulse Measures of the Information Society – The Arbitral System of Consume [Considerações Acerca da Lei espanhola nº 56/07 sobre as Medidas de Impulso da Sociedade da Informação – O Sistema Arbitral do Consumo]
Luiz Gustavo Meira Moser ………………………………….213 

4. Note on the 3º Edition of the International Commercial Mediation Competition of the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC
Daniel Tavela Luis; Gisela Ferreira Mation; Michelle Ratton Sanchez; Pedro Fenelon Tibucheski Fida; Rafael Francisco Alves  ………………………………………………………….217

Arbitration Classics

1.French Court of Appeals (1st Civil Chamber). On March 23rd 1994. Société Hilmarton v. Société OTV
Sabrina Ribas Bolfer…………………………………………..220 

Books Review

1. El Contrato de Arbitraje
Autores: Eduardo Silva Romero; Fabricio Mantilha Espinosa; Giovanni Ettore Nanni …………………………………………223

2. Apontamentos sobre a Lei de Arbitragem ()
Autores: Pedro A. Batista Martins; Eleonora Coelho ; Mariana Cattel Gomes Alves …………………………………226


Fernando José Breda Pessoa ……………………………….. 215

1. Arbitration International …………………………………228

2. ASA Bulletin ……………………………………………….228

3. Asian International Arbitration Journal………………..229

4. Journal du Droit International …………………………229

5. Journal of International Arbitration …………………..229

6. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação …………………..230

7. Revue de l’Arbitrage …………………………………….231

Index……………………………………………………….. 219