Arbitration in Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts


The study of arbitration in insurance and reinsurance contracts is important, especially for the advantages of choosing this kind of dispute resolution. The purpose of the group is, first of all, connect the universes of insurance and reinsurance to arbitration; discuss and analyze the changes proposed by PL 29/2017, its effects on the insurance and reinsurance market, and present a proposal for a lege ferenda.

The research group “Arbitration in insurance and reinsurance contracts” also has the following objectives: to hold monthly meetings for discussions; elaboration of an empirical research with insurers, reinsurers and arbitration chambers, in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration in the market view; publication in scientific journals; creation of institutional partnerships related to arbitration and the insurance market; partnerships and agreements with educational institutions; study of arbitration cases, etc.