Private Business Mediation Study Group – GEMEP | CBAr

The Private Business Mediation Study Group of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee – GEMEP | CBAr was created in April 2012.

 GEMEP’s work proposal:

  • To promote and stimulate studies with an academic content in order to inform and disseminate private business mediation concerning current and relevant subjects.
  • To spread and stimulate the use of the institute of mediation
  • Promoting cooperation and knowledge exchange between those who study mediation in Brazil and abroad.
  • Boost the production of intellectual works through researches and articles with academic content about themes that pertain to private business mediation
  • Analyze the mediation law and the New Code of Civil Procedure and its impacts in the legal and business frameworks, as well as its understandings in all relevant subjects.

Target Audience: Lawyers, mediators, arbitrators, academics as well as institutions, universities, chambers and associations that manage or promote business mediation.

Requirements: Become an individual or corporate member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee| CBAr. For more detailed information:

Coordinating Body of GEMEP:
Alexandre Palermo Simões (
Claudia Frankel Grosman (
Patrícia Freitas Fuoco (

 CBAr Trainee:
Julia Avelin Ribeiro (



  1. Each Regional or Thematic Subgroup will follow the annual Strategic Plan, and will be subordinated to GEMEP’S Coordinating Body, which will interface as necessary with the board of CBAr. For each subgroup, there will be one of GEMEP’s interface coordinators.
  2. Each Regional or Thematic Subgroup is led by one or two leaders to which are designated the following responsibilities: (i) Presenting annually the Action Plan of the Subgroup for approval of GEMEP’s coordinating body in line with the Strategic Plan approved by CBAr up to the 1st of December of each year; (ii) implement the annual Action Plan of the Subgroup; and (iii) present the annual report of the activities and contributions of the Subgroup.
  3. Any member of GEMEP who has interest in participating, as a member, in any subgroup, must send an e-mail to the leader of the subgroup in question, with a copy to the GEMEP coordinating body.
  4. The leaders of the subgroups shall participate in GEMEP’s meetings to bring news.


A) Thematic subgroups

A.1. Meditation and Public Administration
Subgroup of interface between GARB (Study group in arbitration, mediation and public administration) and GEMEP.
Leaders: Beatriz Rosa e Sonia Frigoli
E-mails: and

A.2. Legislation and Courts.
Leaders: Fabiana Scandiuzzi Borba Franco and Silvia Maria Costa Brega
E-mails: and

A.3. Institutional Private Mediation
Leaders: Caio Aguirre e Paola Camargo Lima
E-mails: e 

A.4.  Moots and Education institutions
Leader: Ana Luiza Isoldi

A.5. Technical and Scientific Study and Intellectual Production
Leader: Vera Monteiro Barros

A.6. Mediation Advocacy

A.7. Mediation and Franchising
Leader: Melitha Novoa Prado


B) Regional Subgroups

B.1. State of Minas Gerais

B.2. State of Rio de Janeiro
Leaders: Inez Balbino e Mariana Souza
E-mail: and


Publications of GEMEP*:

2016 | Enunciados GEMEP – Norteadores de interpretação sobre pontos relevantes da normatização da mediação no Brasil

July, 2015 | Mediação: The Brazilian storm, por Alexandre Palermo Simões.

May, 2015 | “Perspectiva Americana sobre o Conceito de Mediação: Uma entrevista com Peter Lichtman”.

November, 2014 | Mediação e Arbitragem: discussão sobre a possibilidade de compartilhamento de práticas

November, 2014 | Lançamento do Pacto de Mediação na CIESP/FIESP: compromisso de adoção de meios consensuais de solução de controvérsias firmado pelos operadores das várias áreas de atividade econômica, como indústria, comércio, prestação de serviços, setor bancário/financeiro, instituições de ensino, escritórios de advocacia, e outras mais.

February, 2014 | A mediação no âmbito empresarial. Um breve estudo acerca de sua definição em instituições nacionais e estrangeiras.

October, 2012 | Principais Aspectos Relacionados à Cláusula Escalonada, também conhecida por cláusula MED-ART, no que toca o mecanismo da mediação.

October, 2012 | Cláusual Arbitral Escalonada

*The articles produced by GEMEP´s members, jointly or individually, reflect the exclusive opinion of the authors.

Publication Rules:

The articles sent for publication will be revised by two (2) members of GEMEP, chosen by consensus, as well as submitted to the process of evaluation by CBAr board of directors. The author must make the orthographic revision and formatting.

The publishing channels of the material produced in group or individually by members of GEMEP are:

  • Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem (Brazilian Arbitration Journal): The authors interested in publishing scientific articles, academic research reports, comments on judicial decisions or reviews of books in the Brazilian Arbitration Journal are encouraged to send an e-mail to: All academic works submitted to the Journal must obey the PUBLICATION RULES (Click here) and are subject to an evaluation process by the Board of the Brazilian Arbitration Journal; and
  • Digital version on the website of CBAr

Space in the GEMEP website dedicated to the publishing of articles connected to the work proposal of the group which do not fit the rules and criteria for publishing of the Brazilian Arbitration Journal



The Study Group´s members communicate by e-mail and the meetings occurs in monthly-basis at Pacheco Neto, Sanden, Teisseire Advogados, a law firm located at Alameda Franca, 1050, 11st floor, Jardins, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (+55 11 3897 4400), from 9:00am to 12:00pm according to the below-mentioned agenda.

GEMEP uses the ZOOM Cloud Meetings to enable the remote participation of its members, by video and audio conferences, in all monthly meetings.

ZOOM Cloud Meetings aims to increase the participation and exchange of experiences at a national and international level. It will make the interface between the CBAr study groups

Easier and make possible joint meetings. It will also enhance the number of debates with renowned guests in the national and international mediation scenario.

To access the platform, please see the following steps:

Step 1 – Download Zoom Cloud Meetings: (free of charge)

Step 2 – Install Zoom Cloud Meetings

Step 3 – Open Zoom Cloud Meetings and click in “Join a meeting”

Step 4 – Inform the ID-number 333 384 6624 and your name.

Step 5 – Then, click “Join”.

*Attention: In the event of any problems, please call +55 11 3897-4400 and talk to Mrs. Elena Fragnan.


Agenda for 2017:
Thursdays: February 2nd, March 9th, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 03rd, September 14th, October 05th, November 9th, and December 7th (Followed by the Annual Lunch)


Minutes of Meeting | 2017:
February 2nd, Minutes of MeetingAttachments of the Minutes of Meeting
March 9th, Minutes of Meeting
April 6th, Minutes of Meeting
May 4th, Minutes of Meeting
June 1st, Minutes of Meeting    
July 6th, Minutes of Meeting  
August 03rd, Minutes of Meeting 
September 14th, Minutes of MeetingAttendance list
October 05th, Minutes of MeetingAttendance list
November 9th, Minutes of MeetingAttendance list


GEMEP Activities Report:  2013 a 2015  |  2016

Planning for:  2016  |  2017


Members of GEMEP:

Adolfo Braga Neto
Adriana Adler
Adriana Sanchez
Alessandra Fachada Bonilha
Alexandre Palermo Simões
Alvaro Siviero
Amanda Federico Lopes Fernandes
Amedeo Papa Junior
Ana Beatriz Bacelar de Barros
Ana Beatriz Kopacek
Ana Cândida Menezes Marcato
Ana Luiza Isoldi
Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves
Ana Paula Cabral Barbosa Andrade
Andrea Decourt
Andrea Maia
Angelica Walker
Antonio Luis Pereira de Souza
Antonio Luiz Sampaio Carvalho
Beatriz Cochrane Mattos
Beatriz Rosa
Caio Cesar Infantini
Caio Eduardo Aguirre
Camila Biral Vieira da Cunha
Camila Mariotto Zakka
Camila Ramalho
Camila Serrano Giunchetti Pio da Costa
Camile Costa
Carla Faria de Souza
Carla Theophilo de Saboia
Carlos Eduardo de Vasconcelos
Celina Pannunzio Soares
Christiana Beyrodt Cardoso
Cristiane Dias Carneiro
Claudia Grosman
Cláudia Junqueira de A. Prado
Daniel Freitas Drumond Bento
Daniela Monteiro Gabbay
Diego Faleck
Domingos Fernando Refinetti
Dora Rocha Awad
Edson Antônio Sousa Pinto
Eduardo da Silva Vieira
Fabiana Cerqueira Leite
Fabiana Cristina de Paula Scandiuzzi
Felipe Freires Carvalho
Felipe Maia
Felipe Véras
Fernanda Levy
Fernando Kachan
Flavia Mange
Flavia Scarpinella Bueno
Gabriel Ribeiro França Guerra Magalhães
Gary Birnberg
Georgia Abdala Hannud
Georgia Baldin
Gilda Gronowicz
Guilherme Montebugnoli Zilio
Gustavo Milaré Almeida
Helena Erickson
Henrique Gomm
Inez Balbino Peterle
Ivaldo Correira Prado Filho
Ivone Hiromi Takahashi Saraiva
Ivone Juscelina de Almeida
Jean François Teisseire
José Nantala
Josmeyr Oliveira
Júlia Mota
Juliana Castanheira
Juliana Maria Polloni Barros dos Santos
Karin Klempp Franco
Karla Coachman
Lausiane Luz de Saboya
Leandro Rigueira Renno Lima
Leonardo Wykrota
Letícia Barbosa e Silva Abdalla
Lia Justiniano dos Santos
Liana Gorberg Valdetaro
Lívia R. Milhorato
Lucas Santanna
Lucas Sávio
Luis Fernando Guerrero
Luisa Cristina Bottrel Souza
Luiz Felipe Calábria Lopes
Maíra Cancio Assumpção de Freitas
Marcelo Marafon
Marcello Vieira Machado Rodante
Marcia Monteiro Rosa
Marco Antonio Lorencini
Marco Aurélio Wilke Japiassu
Marcus Guimarães Drumond
Maria Regina Dourado
Mariana Freitas
Mariana Freitas De Souza
Marilia Campos Oliveira e Telles
Martha Deliberador Mickosz Lukin
Melitha Novoa Prado
Mônica de Salles Lima
Mônica Jimenez Boldrini
Mônica Mendonça Costa
Nathalia Mazzonetto
Nelson Soares de Rezende
Paola A. Camargo Lima
Patricia Coelho Carvalho
Patricia Freitas Fuoco
Paula de Magalhães Chisté
Renata Moritz Serpa Coelho
Renata Porto Adri
Renato Herz
Renato S. Grion
Roberto Cançado Vasconcelos Novais
Rodrigo Chade
Ruth Pacheco e Chaves Lunardelli
Sabrina de Mello Hornos
Sabrina Nagib
Samuel Maimoni de Figueiredo
Sandra Assali
Sandra Bayer
Sérgio de Freitas Costa
Silvana Dias
Silvia Maria Costa Brega
Silvia Pedroso Nasrallah
Sônia Andreotti Carneiro Frúgoli
Sônia Malta
Tania Almeida da Silva
Tania Rodrigues
Thiago Rodovalho
Thiago Tuma Antunes
Vera Cecília Monteiro de Barros
Veronica Beer
Vinícius Horta de Vasconcelos Raso
Vivien Lys Porto Ferreira da Silva