Program 2018 – 17º International Arbitration Conference

17th International Arbitration Conference
Brazilian Committee of Arbitration – CBAr
September 16th – 18th, 2018

The culture of international Arbitration



Young Practitioners Forum

Panel I: Cybersecurity in International Arbitration

Moderator: Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano

Panelists: Ana Carolina Dall’Agnol, Filipe Greco De Marco Leite, Luíza Kömel, Marie-Isabelle Barretto Delleur and Patrícia Sá Moreira de Figueiredo Ferraz

  • Is it true to say that parties expect that the providers of dispute resolution services and other participants will take cybersecurity measures to safeguard digital information from unauthorized access and disclosure? Is this true in national and international cases?
  • Should arbitral institutions expressly establish duties for the parties, counsel and arbitrators to implement reasonable measures to avoid intrusion?
  • Should arbitrators disclose their data security practices to parties and counsel?
  • Should arbitral institutions develop shared secured platforms for data storage and transmission that would be available to parties?
  • Should professional organizations develop cybersecurity checklists or guidance notes for arbitrators, counsel and other participants?
  • The Draft Cybersecurity Protocol for International Arbitration – Consultation Draft (ICCA, CPR and NYC Bar Association) – suggests a procedural framework for developing specific cybersecurity measures in individual cases instead of offering specific measures. Is this the best way forward?
  • Cybersecurity in Practice. How does the establishment of security protocols for the storage and transfer of sensitive information work?
  • Cybersecurity Breaches. The establishment of a process of notification of the attacks and for correcting or mitigating the attack. The PCA case.


Coffee Break

Panel II: The Arbitrator and the Decision-Making Process

Moderator: Rafael Peteffi da Silva

  • What is the appropriate standards of bias: (i) Evident partiality (2nd Circuit); (ii) an impression of possible bias (9th Circuit); justifiable doubts (Civil Law); in order to analyze the individual conduct of arbitrators?
    Speaker: Berardino di Vecchia Neto
  • Can diversity in the Arbitral Tribunal contribute to hinder a false consensus or an appearance of bias caused by repeated players?
    Speaker: Lenora Hage Santos Bento de Faria
  • Does the incentive to issue a compromise award or to ‘split the baby’ really exist in commercial and investment arbitration? Is there an extremeness aversion by arbitrators?
    Speaker: Juan Felipe Merizalde Urdaneta
  • Are arbitrators under the influence of anchoring effects and inadmissible evidence?
    Speaker: Felipe Vollbrecht Sperandio
  • Are arbitrators vulnerable to hindsight bias?
    Speaker: Gloria M. Alvarez




Opening ceremony: The culture of international arbitration: definition and relevance.

Speaker: Gary B. Born


Opening cocktail




Panel I: Influences of cultural systems in the international arbitration: the barrier or the harmonization factor

Moderator: José Antonio Fichtner

  • International Arbitration versus Domestic Arbitration
    Speaker: Pedro A. Batista Martins
  • Commercial Arbitration versus Investment Arbitration
    Speaker: Patricia Nacimiento
  • The UNCITRAL Model Law summarizes international arbitration culture?
    Speaker: Guido Santiago Tawil


Coffee Break


Cultural aspects in international conflicts

Speaker: Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo


Panel II: Arbitration between parties from different cultures and ethical issues

Moderator: Erika Levin

  • Appointment of arbitrators
    Speaker: Adriana Braghetta
  • The role of the arbitrator
    Speaker: Selma M. Ferreira Lemes
  • The role of the attorney/lawyer
    Speaker: Sofia Martins




Panel III: The culture in the judicial review of the arbitration award

Moderator: Ana Serra e Moura

  • Local culture influences the interpretation of the New York Convention?
    Speaker: Diego P. Fernández Arroyo
  • The culture of the State court judge and the limits for declaring the arbitral award null and void
    Speaker: Christophe Seraglini
  • Culture is a component of international public policy?
    Speaker: Thierry Tomasi


Coffee Break


Panel IV: Culture in the decision-making process

Moderator: Christian Sahb Batista Lopes

  • The decision-making process in the challenge of arbitrators
    Speaker: Marcelo Antonio Muriel
  • The deliberations between arbitrators of different cultures. The strength of an argument depends on cultural factors
    Speaker: Alexander Wilbraham
  • The decision-making process of an arbitrator is different from a State court judge?
    Speaker: Ruy Rosado de Aguiar Junior




Panel V: Impacts of cultural difference in the arbitration proceedings

Moderator: Eliane Cristina Carvalho Teixeira

  • The written submissions
    Speaker: Carlos Alberto Carmona
  • The evidence
    Speaker: Deva Villanúa Gómez
  • The hearings
    Speaker: Rodrigo Garcia da Fonseca


Closing lecture: Culture in international arbitration: integration or fragmentation?

Speaker: Stavros L. Brekoulakis

