2007 – Journal nº 12

Journal No. 12

Table of Contents


1. Considerações sobre os Pressupostos Processuais em Arbitragens [Remarks on Procedural Requisites in Arbitration]
Martim Della Valle………………………………………………………..7
2. “Execução” de Obrigações Específicas (Entrega de Coisa Certa e Incerta e Fazer e Não Fazer) Previstas em Sentença Arbitral [“Enforcement” of Specific Obligations (Delivery of Certain and Uncertain Things, Affirmative and Negative Covenants) Provided for in Arbitral Awards]
Gledson Marques de Campos…………………………………………..31
3. A Participação das Câmaras de Arbitragem como Amicus Curiae em Processos do Tribunal de Contas da União Relativos a Processos Arbitrais [The Role of Arbitration Chambers as Amicus Curiae in Proceedings with the Treasury Court Regarding Arbitral Proceedings]
Cesar A. Guimarães Pereira…………………………………………….43

(b) International

1. Les Recours Judiciaires Concernant les Sentences (Reconnaissance, Exécution, Annulation)
Dominique Hascher……………………………………………………..52
2. ¿Los Amici Curiae Son la Respuesta Apropriada al Interes Público em la Transparencia del Arbitraje de Inversión?
Aléxis Mourre……………………………………………………………..60
3. La Nueva Forma del Acuerdo Arbitral: Aun Outra Victoria del Consensualismo
Francisco González de Cossío…………………………………………..74
4. Les Consequences de l’Annulation d’Une Sentence Arbitrale dans l’Etat de la Juridiction du Siege de l’Arbitrage
Matthieu de Boissésson…………………………………………………90

Case Law
(a) Brazilian –  Commented

1. Arbitration and Public Administration – Comments on the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) Decision in Special Appeal No. 612,439/RS
(“AES Uruguaiana Case”)
Cesar A. Guimarães Pereira………..98

2. Decision Establishing Arbitral Tribunal to Solve Parties’ Dispute – Lack of Standing to be Sued rejected– Constant Argument Fails in View of the Evidence Produced in the Case Showing the Involvement in the Negotiations giving Rise to the Litigation – Prior Agreement not Required – Art. 1 of Law No. 9,307/1996 Requires the Parties’ Capacity to Enter into Agreements, which Must be Interpreted as Civil Capacity of Maintaining Legal Relations Involving Freely Negotiable Rights – Imposition of Fine due to the Filing of an Interlocutory Appeal – Fairly Strict Decision, thus Requiring Penalty not to be Applied – Appeal partially GrantedHaroldo Malheiros Duclerc Verçosa…………….. 121

3. Service Provision – Declaratory Suit – Decision Fulffiling all Intrinsic and Extrinsic Requirements is not Void – What the Legal System Bans is a Complete Lack of Motivation and not Summarized Grounds – Right to File an Action to Annul Arbitral Award is Barred by Laches –Extension, by the Parties, of the Term to Issue Arbitral Award – Valid and Existing Proceedings – The Existence of Any Type of Agreement to Arbitrate Leads, Upon Request, to Dismissal of the Case Without Prejudice – Appeal Denies, Decision Upheld
Rafael Francisco Alves…………………………………………………130

(b) Brazilian – Not Commented

1. Superior Court of Justice (STJ)……………………………………..141

(c) International – Commented

1. The 2nd Decision of the Permanent Review Court: Procedural Issues regarding the Consolidation of the Review SystemNadia de Araújo………………………………………………………..148

General Information

1. Movimento em Favor da Arbitragem [Pro-Arbitration Movement]
Rafael Francisco Alves………………………………………………..159

2. The Presidency – Civil Cabinet – Office for Legal Affairs –  Decree of November 9,  2006……161

1. Denial of Justice in International Law…………………………163

1. Arbitration International…………………………………………167
2. Journal of International Arbitration……………………………………………………………..167
3. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação………………………………………………………………168
4. Revue de L’Arbitrage……………………………………………..169
